Our specialty is interactive characters that are customized for your event. Once you choose the basic type of character you want, we’ll modify our characters’ interactions to fit the mood and theme of your event. In addition to the characters, we also provide our own costumes and makeup.

We have woodland fairy and satyr costumes for walkabout characters, named Iris and Frolic. For example, at The Goddes Gaia, we wrote fae “prescriptions” for summoning the heart’s desire of the audience member. At A Very Fairy Midsummer Soiree, we enticed the guests to “quest” for magic by discovering and participating in all the event’s installations. For events with a contemporary or futuristic style, we have analogous Techno Fae costumes and characters.

For Steampunk characters, Dr. Verve (played by Mander), is a larger than life, mad-scientist-esque, “Animist.” He collects emotional essences from the audience and imbues inanimate objects with them. These objects are brought to life, at least partially, and he enables the audience to communicate with them. His most successful project to date has been his assistant, Galatea, a brought-to-life doll (played by Ruth). Galatea is an “animaton”, whose continued breath of life depends upon the emotional generosity of the living.
They periodically commune with the world’s most intelligent toaster, Titania, and with other items. We perform as walkabout characters, optionally with a half-hour stage show.
For events looking for more depth by including a darker character, we have Tankerous the Troll (he takes the “Can” out of “Cantankerous”). His amusing grumpiness provides a playful counterpoint to more lighthearted characters, and otherwise passive guests. This character is not malicious or a jerk: Underneath, the actor plays this character in the spirit of a comedic “straight man”.

Depending on the character behind the costume, our vampire characters can be a frightening, or funny. Is Ambassador Vlad stalking you, or is he trying give you a handsome lump of gold in exchange for your best friend? We change our characters to suite the event.

Something Else?
We relish improvisation and interacting with audience members, so if you have your own character ideas, we’d like the opportunity to explore them. (We’re open to playing characters other than the ones we’ve developed.) We both have experience with both scripted and improvised work, but our current focus is on semi-improvised performances that emphasize audience interaction. We are happy to develop entirely new characters as well—just contact us with your ideas or request.